Staff Health
All Haven Community staff have received the full course of COVID-19 vaccinations, including their booster jab. Staff undertake a lateral flow test each day before they arrive at the centre. We also have a thermometer available to take temperatures in the event of anyone feeling unwell. Staff continue to wash their hands frequently and also use sanitising hand gel throughout the day.
We have recently reviewed the risk assessments for members and others for staff, volunteers and visitors.
Use of PPE
All staff use PPE as required, which includes wearing a face mask throughout the day. Staff may also wear aprons, gloves and shields, particularly when carrying out personal hygiene or food-handling procedures. The decision to use appropriate items of PPE will take into consideration the potential risks of carrying out the task.
Surfaces and other touch points in the room are either sprayed and or wiped with disinfectant at regular intervals. All commonly handled items (door handles, keyboards etc) are disinfected throughout the day. Areas with a high risk of infection, such as the toilet areas are disinfected after every use. Rooms can be fogged with a sanitising disinfectant as and when required, and those trained to use the fogger wear full head-to-toe PPE.
We ask all our members to use the hand sanitiser before they enter our vehicles and come into the Centre and at times during the day. We also require our members to wear a mask on our Transport. (If anyone forgets their masks, we carry spare disposable ones). All chairs and desks have been placed at least 2m apart from each other. We seek to avoid any activities which involve our members coming into close proximity to ensure social distancing is maintained. We monitor the health of members and have a room available to isolate the member, should they become unwell. We also have a thermometer available to take temperatures, if necessary.
Contact with carers and care providers
We regularly update the carers of our members with news and developments and intend to involve all in establishing how the Centre might return to an operation similar or close to that pre-Covid. We will be seeking the views of all and taking into account preferences where possible. We know that about 50% of our attendees have health conditions that would deem them being clinically extremely vulnerable so are cautions about changing our current operation till perhaps after Easter.